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5 Exciting Features of Sanlo’s New Fintech Tool for Gaming Companies

Sanlo, an innovative fintech company, has recently made headlines with its announcement to launch the closed beta version of its groundbreaking webshop tool. This mega update is all set to be a game-changer for gaming developers and companies, offering them an efficient plug-and-play solution. But what exactly does this mean? We’re here to give you a rundown!

1. Tailored For Gaming Companies

First things first, this product is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ tool. Sanlo has designed this technology with a laser focus on gaming companies and developers. The aim is to provide a seamless mechanism that works in harmony with the existing technologies used by the gaming industry. This fact reflects in the nuances of the tool’s features, promising better integration with tech stacks already popular in game development and management.

2. Exclusivity

Adding a feather to its cap, Sanlo’s tool isn’t simply another product up for grabs. The company is launching it in a closed beta format. This means that access is currently exclusive, adding intrigue and an air of exclusivity around this offering. However, a waitlist is open for gaming companies who are keen to get their hands on it once it’s out of beta.

3. Plug-and-Play Solution

Sanlo’s webshop tool is a plug-and-play solution. This design suggests that the intention was to create a user-friendly tool that can be easily integrated into an existing system without much hassle, making it an excellent choice for gaming companies and developers who want to enhance their finance management without substantial overhaul of their existing systems.

4. Bypassing In-App Purchase Fees

Gaming companies have been carrying the burden of hefty in-app purchase fees charged by tech giants like Google and Apple— up to 30%! With Sanlo’s new tool, companies can potentially find a way around these fees, boosting their overall income from in-app purchases and enhancing the profitability of their games.

5. A Fintech Solution for Gaming Finance

Last but not least, the Sanlo tool exemplifies the innovative fintech sphere’s potential to revolutionize other industries, like gaming in this case. It emphasizes the increasing intersection between technology, finance, and gaming, and foreshadows the pioneering solutions we can expect to see in the future.

The announcement from Sanlo marks a significant milestone towards providing holistically improved and personalized finance management tools to the gaming industry. As gaming companies join the waiting list, the tech world eagerly watches to witness how this new tool will impact the future of gaming finance.

Credit: BBC. TechCrunch, Reuters