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5 Key Changes to Kickstarter: Introducing “Late Pledges” – The Game Changer in Crowdfunding

The crowdfunding platform Kickstarter continually innovates to make it easier than ever for creators and backers to connect. In its latest update, Kickstarter includes pre-order functionality after a campaign has ended. This milestone feature, referred to as “Late Pledges,” is a game changer in crowdfunding. Here are the main takeaways from this recent development.

1. No More Redirecting to Creators’ Pages

Gone are the times when you had to leave the Kickstarter platform to pre-order a successfully funded project. The new “Late Pledges” feature allows this on the Kickstarter site itself, improving convenience for all users.

2. Seamless Transitions from Fundraiser to Vendor

This upgrade streamlines the shift from fundraising to actually selling the product. Creators can now manage their campaign and subsequent pre-orders in the same place, enhancing efficiency, and facilitating a smoother transition from concept to consumer availability.

3. A Win-Win for Creators and Backers

“Late Pledges” increases visibility and opportunity for both creators and backers. Creators have a fair chance to continue attracting backers even after their campaign ends. Likewise, backers who missed a campaign can still show their support and get their hands on groundbreaking products.

4. Redefining the Crowdfunding Timeline

This irreversible shift in Kickstarter’s approach culminates in redefining how we perceive the crowdfunding timeline. Instead of being seen as a one-time event with a definitive end, the crowdfunding campaign can now be seen as the initial phase in a product’s life cycle. In other words, “game over” is no longer the case once a campaign ends.

5. A Significant Milestone for Kickstarter

In a nutshell, the introduction of “Late Pledges” is a notable achievement in Kickstarter’s history. It symbolizes a different phase of maturity for the crowdfunding giant, demonstrating their ability to adapt and innovate in tune with the evolving needs of their user base.

In summary, the new “Late Pledges” feature turns the page of Kickstarter’s playbook. This update erodes the boundaries between campaigns and commercialization, allowing creators and backers to sustain their rapport beyond the campaign’s end. It’s not just a game changer in the world of crowdfunding; it could redefine commerce in the digital age.

Credit: BBC. TechCrunch, Reuters